Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End exemplaren tijdens transport gestolen

Hoewel Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End pas binnen twee weken in de rekken verschijnt worden de fysieke exemplaren al naar de winkels verzonden, een van deze transporten is in Engeland overvallen.

We have some unfortunate news to report that a number of copies ofUncharted 4: A Thief’s End were stolen while in transit. While we are continuing to work with the police to resolve the matter – which is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation – it appears that a few copies of the game have surfaced in the UK.
We know that very many of you have been looking forward with great anticipation and excitement to the latest masterpiece from Naughty Dog. From what I have played of Nathan Drake’s latest adventure, I can tell you that it is very much worth the wait. As with most Naughty Dog games, the unfolding story is such an integral part of the experience and for this reason we wanted to warn you to beware of the potential for spoilers to be posted by people with access to stolen copies of the game. An extremely talented team has worked long and hard to bring Nathan Drake’s greatest adventure to life and we would urge you to help us prevent this from being spoilt by purchasing copies of the game ahead of the launch date. Please rest assured we will be very vigilant to protect you from this as far as we can so you can enjoy Uncharted 4’s experience to its fullest on May 10th. – Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios

Gisteren werden, ook in Groot-Brittannië, al exemplaren van de game verkocht. Waarschijnlijk had de winkel in kwestie de memo niet ontvangen dat de release van Drake’s laatste avontuur uitgesteld was.
Ucharted 4: A Thief’s End verschijnt 10 mei exclusief op PlayStation 4.

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